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MILbox – Media and Information Literacy Toolbox

Tailored for primary teachers!

Based on real needs

We investigate the national curriculum and speak to the teachers to identify needs and biggest gaps.

Practical tools

We know that You need a practical, step-by-step guide. Don’t worry – we will take care of it!

Digital space

One place to have it all.

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More information about the project:

EC public consultation on the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) showed that 95% of respondents believe that the pandemic marks the point of no return on how technology is used in education. Yet, the promise of digital education is to be fulfilled. Teachers are pointing out that online education’s biggest challenge is engaging students. It is especially true when we speak about primary students. One of the reasons they mention is the lack of relevant, interactive, and easy-to-use online content. Research in Lithuania conducted before the pandemic showed that 95% of 1-5 years olds have at least half an hour of screen time each day. In the same study, 40% of parents said their children use the internet, i.e., YouTube ( The numbers increase with age. No coincidence that out of the 10 most paid YouTube stars in 2019, two are below ten years of age.

The two main project target groups are primary education TEACHERS and PRIMARY STUDENTS.

TEACHERS need relevant knowledge, useful ready-made teaching materials, and various educational tools. TALIS survey shows that less than 40% of teachers were ready to use digital technologies in teaching. Teachers require various tools for several purposes. First, they need support for digital student engagement. Secondly, they can adapt and use knowledge and tools related to media and information literacy according to their needs. Last but not least – help integrate MIL skills into the subject curriculum.

PRIMARY STUDENTS need attractive online learning methods to keep their attention and focus. Building strong student agency in primary classes will benefit students in later stages. It will strengthen their capacity to act as autonomous learners. Media and information literacy skills and their acquisition should be tailored to their experience and connected with their life situations. Else, it will not be relevant. PARENTS’ role in digital learning is also changing. They are the ones who must provide support for their children. In this project, PARENTS will not be a separate target group, but their impact and need for help will not be underestimated.